Come Swap with Us!
We Are Swap Omaha
Centered on the fashion industry and what it means to be sustainable as individuals, as a community and as a collective, Swap Omaha was born! We help save clothing from landfills by giving pre-loved clothing, shoes and accessories new life in a new home and help make sustainable fashion accessible to all by prioritizing inclusivity.
Saving Clothes from Landfills
The fashion industry contributes unequivocally to the climate crisis. Over the last two and a half years, we've saved over 12,000 lbs of clothing from landfills. That equals the average amount of clothing that 148 Americans throw away per year.
Giving Back to the Community
When you Shop the Swap during our 1$ sale, we give a portion of the proceeds back to a local nonprofit. If a nonprofit is our host, we pay it forward and donate to them.
Paying it Forward
We donate all of the unswapped items to local nonprofits to benefit our community at all levels of need. Have a favorite local nonprofit that is in need of clothing, let us know! We love to spread the love.
Clothing Drop Off
The first portion of the swap is designated for swap drop offs. This way the most amount of clothing is available to be claimed from the start.
1 for 1 Swapping
Those that donated get first dibs of all the donated items, for free! We use the honor system to swap 1 for 1, meaning you can take as many pieces as you brought.
Shop the Swap
When all who donated have had a chance to choose their treasures, we will open the swap to the public to Shop the Swap 1 item for $1. This ensures that the maximum amount of clothing finds a new home. Plus, a portion of the Shop the Swap proceeds go towards a local nonprofit.
Leftover Clothing
Not all the pre-loved pieces donated to the swap find homes. To ensure these items don't end up in landfills, we partner with local nonprofits so they can find new homes with those in need.
Upcoming events
C U Next Tuesday
Tuesday, March 18th | 6pm - 9pm
In Partnership with Shipment Vintage
at Floors Floors Floors | 7052 Maple St♻️ What to Bring ♻️
Pre-loved, Gently Used Clothing, Shoes and Accessories
Clothing Drop Off – 6pm - 7pm
1 for 1 Swapping – 7pm - 9pm💚 Swap Guidelines 💚
1 for 1 Clothing Swap
$1 per Donation | Up to 20 Items Capped Donation -
Clothing Swap & Viewing Party
Thursday, April 3rd | 5pm - 9pm
A part of Conscious Collections Fest and in partnership with the Castle & Cathedral District and Joslyn Castle & Gardens
at Joslyn Castle Carriage House | 3902 Davenport St
Swap Drop-offs – 5pm - 6pm
The True Cost Film Screening – 6pm - 7:45pm
Panel and Q&A – 7:45pm - 8:15pm
Clothing Swap – 8:15pm - 9pm
Sustainable Fashion Showcase
Friday, April 4th | 6pm - 10pm
A part of Conscious Collections Fest and in Partnership with Floors Floors Floors
at Floors, Floors, Floors | 7052 Maple St
Join us in uplifting sustainable fashion, highlighting curated secondhand, vintage and pre-loved collections! All the pieces that will grace the cat walk in this sustainable fashion showcase will focus on dressing to impress while keeping it vintage, pre-loved and upcycled.
Get in touch.
Want to be the first to get all the information on our upcoming Swap Omaha events? Do you have an organization you think we should partner with? Do you want to nerd out with us about all things sustainable fashion? Drop us a line and let’s get to know each other!