About LB
Uncertainty is often the harbinger of growth and this moment is turning out to be a powerful teacher.
One doesn’t have to look far to witness the environmental and social injustices of this planet. But this deep pain, this grief, is not only mine, it is ours and it needs our attention in order to heal. Perhaps the beauty in this is the inescapable truth that we are all deeply connected. And with that knowledge, that is where our healing begins.
About Sustainably LB
Lauren is a freelance journalist and sustainable fashion advocate, storyteller and activist who seeks progress over perfection.
Her enthusiasm for sustainability, ethics, travel, exploration and community—and how they are interwoven—largely stems from over 20 years of progressive experience in the fashion industry.
She has a passion for storytelling and authentic connection that she carries with her into every aspect of her life. Lauren believes that compassionate service journalism can be used as, and is, a vehicle to educate and support individuals and communities in a way that doesn't come off as elitist—a common problem in the sustainable living conversation.
Alongside her pursuit of environmental and social justice, she is a co-founder of Swap Omaha, a Remake Ambassador, a member of the Green Omaha Coalition and has been published in SF Weekly, Green and Beyond Mag, Remake, Elephant Journal and Luxury Daily discussing fashion, mental health, ethics and sustainability.
"Sadly, it typically takes a tragedy for the world to sit up and take notice of the atrocities that are an everyday experience for many people on this planet.”
— LB
— Notes from LB —
While creating this site, I was asked how do we change the world? How can we, as meager individuals, compete with corporations and lobbyists who have had unchecked and unchallenged power for decades?!
Well, we inform.
Because I believe that when we know better, we do better.
I believe that one of us is not as strong as all of us.
I believe that we can start where we are and use what we have.
I believe that change starts with the individual and from within.
I believe in getting it wrong and learning from mistakes.
I believe in progress over perfection.
I certainly don’t have all the answers. But I do believe that conversation and education are key to our understanding. Because I believe that we can be better for ourselves and better for and to each other.